Mike’s Stuff

My brother Mike has a real job but he is also a writer. Some of his writings are funny, some are thought provoking. Some are pure fiction, some are loosely based on actual experiences (we call them “colorized”), some are accurate (sometimes we call these “boring”). I have enjoyed them, and some day he’s going … Read more

Nick’s Poem

Somebody sent me a poem that was written by an elderly person.  It implied that the caretaker was looking down on the other. It upset me and I wrote this in response while I was caring for my Dad. A very nice poem, not necessarily true. Some of us young’ns wonder what we should do. … Read more

Old Lady’s Poem

This is the Poem and note that started me thinking about how I was taking care of Dad, and how I thought about what was being said here. When an old lady died in the geriatrics ward of a small hospital near Dundee, Scotland, it was felt that she had nothing left of any value. … Read more

Dad’s Poem

This was a poem that we found among my dads stuff as we were sorting things after he died. My brother Mike had it posted up at Dad’s funeral. I thought that it was a very meaningful set of thoughts. Something that everybody could use to live by, and I can see that my Dad … Read more

Burial of Chuck

We buried my brother Chuck on Sunday, August 25th, 2013. These are some thoughts written by my brother Mike. Every so often in one’s life, something occurs which goes beyond “memorable” to being “unforgettable.” It causes you to think deeply. It changes the way you look at life. I have been reporting the past few … Read more