Uncle Pete – D

Pete’s birthday…
Good question. I would guess he was born on the feast of St. Peter the apostle, and died on the feast of Sts. Peter & Paul. Anyone got a calendar?
Let’s see… he must have been the firstborn because he took the fall for a lot of us. That would make Chuck the second oldest… Then, Ray moved out in…? and Pete’s job was done…

How did Pete die…
There were a lot of causes of the death of poor Uncle Pete. Actually, I’ve lost count of how many times he has died because of his misguided deeds. Children, don’t try these at home… Once he died falling off the cottage roof and I think once from a tree, and falling from the back of a pick-up, and blowing up tree stumps. And the day he fed the bear.

Didn’t he put his eye out with a bb gun too??? Oh yea.. there was the time he threw a big handful of sawdust on a fire in the alley…

Don’t forget the fireworks – I never knew you could set them all off at once, oh and throwing the spray can into the fire… lost some eyebrows that day. I think Mom and Dad never celebrated Pete’s birthday cause it was a bad combination Pete and fire- maybe that is why his birthday is so unclear to us. I think it was the 12th of Never.

… and there are a few that Uncle Pete WOULD HAVE done if he had survived his childhood. Adventures with military explosives and machine guns come to mind 🙂 and I’m sure there are chain saw, motor cycle…. all kinda adventures he’d be having.

Boy.. Jim’s off and Bob’s speechless, Pete has no body… Is this a family or what?